About Us

Our Founder President


Sri Aurobindo Institute for Legal Studies is established to progress towards higher levels of consciousness for the promotion and protection of the dignity of the human person and to To provide inputs with a strong and sound academic base and core competency in law, legal education and allied areas.

The Institute aims to carry out academic and policy studies and research in the area of law with an interdisciplinary orientation, to promote law and legal education on a scientific basis through advanced studies and research in law and its administration and to lead, organize and conduct research and innovation in law and allied fields in such manner as the Institute may think fit, including in collaboration or in association and cooperation with any other institute, educational institution, research organization or body corporate.


Aims & Objectives

  • To carry out academic and policy studies and research in the area of law with an interdisciplinary orientation.To promote law and legal education on a scientific basis through advanced studies and research in law and its administration; ·

  • To provide policy inputs for better governance based on the rule of law guaranteeing the promotion and protection of the dignity of the human person; ·

  • To promote governance with an orientation towards environmental protection and for sustainable development of society through appropriate education, tools, schemes and training based on a framework of law and allied fields designed with integrated multi-disciplinary basis, wherever and whenever possible and necessary; ·

  • To provide inputs with a strong and sound academic base and core competency in law, legal education and allied areas; ·

  • To promote the rule of law, human rights and reform of law and administration of justice and its development suitable to the social, economic, political and other needs of the people; ·

  • To promote legal literacy by establishing necessary institutions and provide legal education through appropriately designed courses, holding examinations, granting degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions or titles and/or confer honorary degrees and impart, organize and conduct training programmes; ·

  • To promote, support and strive for the clarification, simplification and systematization of law; ·

  • To promote and spread awareness of the rule of law, constitutional, legal and human rights by appropriate research and studies, seminars and conferences, discussions and dialogues; ·

  • To encourage, undertake and conduct investigations in legal and allied fields with a multidisciplinary orientation; ·

  • To lead, organize and conduct research and innovation in law and allied fields in such manner as the Institute may think fit, including in collaboration or in association and cooperation with any other institute, educational institution, research organization or body corporate; ·

  • To promote the instruction, diffusion and dissemination of the knowledge of law, legal principles and concepts in the administration and governance of the country; · To promote improvement in legal education and to impart instructions in law and allied fields; ·

  • To institute teaching, research or other academic positions, required by the Institute with such designations as may be deemed fit and necessary and to engage and/or appoint competent persons with expertise on tenure, term or otherwise to such positions as may be laid down from time to time; ·

  • To promote, disseminate and publish studies, treatises, periodicals, books, research papers, reports, journals, newsletters, articles and other literature in law and allied areas through print, electronic and digital media.

  • To engage in documentation of important legal literature and other allied and connected materials; ·

  • To establish and maintain libraries and to constitute or cause to be constituted regional offices at convenient centers in India and abroad to promote the activities of the Institute; ·

  • To provide training, promote and undertake research and consultancy services in the field of law and other allied field with an interdisciplinary approach, if necessary; ·

  • To emerge amongst the foremost institutions in law and legal education and allied fields of knowledge; ·

  • To advance new knowledge and innovation in law and legal education and allied fields to empower the nation to the forefront in the global context; ·

  • To participate in partnership with other institutions similar in nature, aims and objectives through studies, projects and research in the field of law, legal education and other allied areas of knowledge; ·

  • To promote and provide global and national leadership in law, legal education and allied fields of knowledge; ·

  • To promote and support research, knowledge and innovation for the purpose of providing and developing core competency, capability and skills to persons, institutions and other legal entities with social and environmental orientation to meet the needs and requirements of the society; ·

  • To cooperate with other societies, institutions and organizations, national and international, in the pursuit of all or any of the above objects.

  • To appoint persons working in any other Institute or educational institution or involved in research of significance in any industry as adjunct, guest or visiting faculty of the Institute on such terms and for such duration as the Institute may decide.

  • To create administrative and other posts and to make appointments thereto in accordance with the policy laid down by the Institute from time to time; ·

  • To make provision for dissemination of knowledge emerging from research and for that purpose to enter into such arrangements, including consultancy and advisory services, with other institutions, industry, civil society or other organizations, as the Institute may deem necessary.

  • To determine, specify and receive payment of fees, charges and expenses as the Institute may deem fit, from person, institution or body corporate for courses, services, including training, consultancy and advisory services, provided by the Institute; ·

  • To deal with any property belonging to or vested in, the Institute in such manner as the Institute may deem fit for advancing the objects of the Institute: ·

  • To receive gifts, grants, donations or benefactions from the Government and other legal entities and to receive bequests, donations and transfers of movable or immovable properties from testators, donors or transferors, as the case may be.

  • To co-operate with educational or other institutions in any part of the world having objects wholly or partly similar to those of the Institute by exchange of teachers and scholars and generally in such manner as may be conducive to their common objects; ·

  • To establish and maintain such infrastructure as may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects of the Institute; · To institute and award fellowships, scholarships, exhibitions, prizes and medals; ·

  • To adopt, promote and develop further objectives in line with the present aims and objectives herein but not specifically mentioned herein in tune with emerging times and developments of the society;

  • To do all such things as may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the objects of the Institute.